Is there a workaround for using ":ApplyDescription" locally?

So, I’m trying to create a cutscene for my game that does not actually use the actual player for said cutscene, but a clone NPC instead. I noticed that :ApplyDescription only works server-sided so is there anyway I can get pass this/any equivalent method of doing this?

You could use a remote event when the cutscene is activated and apply the description from the server. Though I will mention you will want to properly secure this and do sanity checks to see if they are actually activating the cutscene.

Wouldn’t other players be able to see the NPC? I’m doing it locally because if two players are seeing the cutscene at the same time, they won’t overlap with each other.

If you clone a humanoid from a local script you should be able to use ApplyDescription from the client.

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