Is there an easier way to get a right triangle's dimensions than creating a CFrame and using object/world space or using Magnitude?

Currently I’m working on floor placement which is done via triangulation, but want to make an exception when one of the triangles that is returned from the triangulation result is a right angle because textures look nicer on a single wedge than on a two-part wedge.

I’ve implemented it but I’m thinking that making a whole CFrame just for the triangle’s dimensions is excessive. So I am just wondering if there are any alternative means of getting the dimensions of a right triangle without creating a whole CFrame and using object/world space, and without using magnitude because it’s slow? Note the triangle might not be axis parallel so subtracting vectors from one another may not work.

HALF_PI is pi / 2, and FLOATING_POINT_EPSILON is 0.01. Here are the relevant functions so there isn’t any missing information in the process but the main part is near the end in the drawTriangle function:

local function distanceFromIncrement(number: number, increment: number) -- gets how far a number is from a specified increment
	return math.abs(number - (math.round(number / increment) * increment))

local function getAngle(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3) -- gets angle between a, b, and c's unit vectors
	return math.acos(((a - b).Unit):Dot((c - b).Unit))

local function isRight(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3) -- calculates whether or not the 3 vertices make up a right triangle. If it does, also returns 3 vertices (abc) where B is the right angle
	local angle = getAngle(a, b, c)
	local rightABC = distanceFromIncrement(getAngle(a, b, c), HALF_PI) <= FLOATING_POINT_EPSILON
	if rightABC then
		return true, a, b, c
	local rightBCA = distanceFromIncrement(getAngle(b, c, a), HALF_PI) <= FLOATING_POINT_EPSILON
	if rightABC then
		return true, b, c, a
	local rightCAB = distanceFromIncrement(getAngle(c, a, b), HALF_PI) <= FLOATING_POINT_EPSILON
	if rightCAB then
		return true, c, a, b

local function drawTriangle(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, c: Vector3, parent: Instance?)
	local isTriRight, newA, newB, newC = isRight(a, b, c) -- B is always the right angle, A and C are the other 2 vertices
	if isTriRight then
		local ab, cb = (newA - newB).Unit, (newC - newB).Unit -- directions from B to A and B to C
		local up = ab:Cross(cb) -- up vector for BAMatrix
		-- next few lines is where things go south. 
		-- I think using a whole CFrame just to obtain distance between 2 points may be overcomplicated 
		-- but magnitude is slow so I'm not sure what's more performant in this case or if there are any other options 
		local baMatrix = CFrame.lookAt(newB, newA, up)
		local aRelative, cRelative = baMatrix:PointToObjectSpace(newA), baMatrix:PointToObjectSpace(newC)
		-- now draw the triangle between the three vertices
		local newWedge = makePart('Wedge')
		newWedge.Size =, math.abs(aRelative.Z), math.abs(cRelative.X))
		newWedge.CFrame = CFrame.fromMatrix(
			(newA + newC) / 2,
		-- debug
		newWedge.Color =,0,1)
		newWedge.Parent = parent

		return newWedge

Thanks in advance for any help!

Yes, you should.

Do you need the side lengths of the triangle?

Yeah, just the size of the wedge.