I am planning on making a certain GUI in my game which has the Player’s Avatar Headshot Image in it.
And I remembered that sometimes, some people who wear moderated assets on their Avatar also have “Moderated” thumbnails.
(They have this placeholder image as their avatar icon/ avatar preview.)

So I wanted to know, Is there maybe a way to detect that the user has a “moderated” avatar headshot image, so I could replace it with a more appropriate default image.

I have heard of UnvalidatedAssetService, but the page doesn’t have any info on it, and that service probably doesn’t do what I want to achieve, and probably can be only being used in CoreScripts.
I have the same problem but it looks like this topic is kinda dead 
I did some research and i cant find anything thats works…
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In case you’re having the same issue I had 3 years ago, use Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync, it returns a Tuple which contains the link to the thumbnail and a boolean which indicates if the image is moderated or not.
From the creator documentation:
This function returns the content URL of an image of a player’s avatar given their UserId, the desired image size as a Enum.ThumbnailSize enum, and the desired type as a Enum.ThumbnailType enum. It also returns a boolean describing if the image is ready to use.
I’m sorry for the VERY late reply but thank you for the information
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