Teleporting all players with cframe?
Just loop through all the players and set their character’s cframe?
There’s no efficient way to teleport all players using CFrame unless you already have a list of all the player character’s you want to teleport. Otherwise you’d need to loop through all of the players using the Players Service specifically Players:GetPlayers()
After getting all of the players you would then need to check if the player has a Character. If not then either skip them or perhaps wait for them to get a character. Afterwards, you can look for the HumanoidRootPart inside of the Character Model and set the CFrame to the CFrame you’d like to teleport them to.
local players = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers() --Gets a table of players in game
for i = 1, #players do --Loops through all the players in table
local plr = players[i] --Gets the player instance with index number of i in the table
local char = plr.char or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() --Checks for the player's character, otherwise waits for the character to load
char:SetPrimaryPartCFrame("Add the CFrame coordinates here")) --Sets the CFrame of the character model (Humanoid Root Part)
I guess you can try this