Is there any methods to disguise lines of code? Or hide scripts

Hey all, I’m planning on making an anti-piracy script but these issues just appeared at the top of my head which will hinder the development of this script.

My method of doing this
I would make a line of code in a already present script that,

Instance in a new script so it can run during runtime,

Fetch the code from pastebin and insert it into said script,

I can’t really show you guys in lua format since my PC is in repairs right now.

The issues I’m currently facing are…

1 - How can I embed scripts into assests if the stealer just takes the asset without the script

Assuming if I can’t embed scripts is there a way I can hide a line of code

If you can help me with these issues that would be great, and if you could also tell me ways to improve my method.

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent players from stealing assets from your game. There will always be a workaround no matter how much prevention is put in place.

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Quite sad to see, thought roblox would put time into creating measures to prevent anti-piracy.

They do. Hyperion (Byfron) is meant to prevent tampering with the game so exploiters cannot do this. Although like I said before, there will always be workarounds.

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Most people with decompiled scripts don’t even know what they’re doing, you can encrypt by messing around with variables since it’ll be confusing for the exploit to figure out your script.

Yeah you’re right guess I’ll just stick with this method for now haha.

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