Is there any solution for anti-music hack?

Hi! Im looking Anti-music​ for my game it because exploitor put random loud sound in random model in game like this

The sound from exploitor it is “Fishy”

even anti-music game script cant detect it only detected when sound in workspace

function checkMusic(c)
if c ~= nil then
if c.className == “Sound” and c.Name ~= “Music” and c.Name ~= “Fishy” and c.Name ~= " " then
if c ~= nil then
c.Parent = nil


If someone is able to insert things into your experience like that, it either has a backdoor or you have FilteringEnabled off. The earlier being more likely. You’d need to patch the backdoor and ensure you don’t introduce another.

I checked all backdoor it only have kohl admin use require and i dont know how to turn on FilteringEnabled. im not good at script

You can’t disable/enable FilteringEnabled (FE), it’s enforced.

Are you sure you looked through your game for a backdoor script? Check that all of the plugins you use are from trustworthy creators, let alone the right creators, and that there isn’t a script in the game with a backdoor in it (ctrl+shift+f, find require() or getfenv()).

If you used free models, this might be where a backdoor could be from.

Alright i will check it thanks for tell me about it