Is there any way I can load a script from a website?

I am a scripter who does work for other people, and I am trying to avoid getting scammed, for this reason, it came to my mind to use my personal website/etc. so I can save the game scripts there, and then in the original game scripts, upload them through the link.


(Server Script) - This website is for sale! - testwebsite Resources and Information.: (FAKE WEBSITE, DO NOT ENTER TO AVOID UNKNOWN FUTURE PROBLEMS)

local myPrintMessage = "Hello, World!"

(Server Script) ReplicatedStorage.PrintServerMessage:


And make it work also for local scripts.

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for now, there’s no way to actually do this without getting extremely complicated. if you’re handing over your work to your commissioners but don’t trust them, usually this exchange goes in this way

  1. you show them the footage/proof of the work you’ve done for them
  2. they hand you the payment
  3. you hand over your work

you can also use middlemen to oversee this if the other party is not comfortable doing that. otherwise, there are no ways of doing this.


There is a way to get a script and run it from the server, you can use HttpService:

local Code = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync('')

Then you can run it with loadstring() (just make sure to turn it off):


Then it should run the script you just got from the website.

I hope this helps. :slight_smile:


It gives me this error.

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you need to enable it under ServerScriptService:


Also, after you are done using the loadstring, go and disable it under ServerScriptService, if not exploiters will be able to exploit your game easier.

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