Is there any way to "Activate" a local script?

So basically I have a script I want to run on the players side. However when I tried putting it in the character it didn’t seem to want to run.

I know how to do this with a normal character however I since I am using a custom character I do not know how to run a localscript on a character.

Putting the script in StarterCharacterScripts will not work because there are different characters which use different script and I do not want the script to run at startup.

Is there any way to run a localscript in this character when it spawns in?

Disable the localscript and I guess just initialize it with

local LocalScript = define_here

LocalScript.Disabled = false

Alright I will see whether or not that works.

You can keep the script disabled, then enable it when it’s ready to be run.

Server and local scripts run as soon as they become enabled with

local script = SCRIPT-PATH-HERE
script.Disabled = false

Pretty much what @NoobiDerpieDev said.

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Yeah it works. I found a work around I disabled it in the StarterCharacterScripts then cloned and Parented it to the new character thanks.

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