I’m guessing what I’m trying to do is not possible with billboard guis, but basically:
I’m working on a silly little battle system and didn’t like how my boss’s health bar (a billboard gui) is on top of the decorative white pillar in the 3D environment.
Disabling AlwaysOnTop isn’t a fix because that just makes it so even the floor covers up the billboard gui and then it’s just invisible. Playing around with the Adornee property also didn’t seem to help.
I also tried making the health bar half as long, but that’s only a solution on certain screen resolutions because on smaller devices you’ll still see the health bar stretch over the pillar.
Is there any way I can affect the Z index interactions between the billboard gui and the pillar so it knows to render the gui behind it? Or should I just try something else completely, like not using a billboard gui for my health bar?
I know it’s not a huge issue but, it is bugging me