Is there any way to authenticate your original creations?

most people probably don’t know me at all, however they might know this face… I’m a long time Roblox user, dating back as far as late 2008. It has come to my attention that during all these years, way back in 2010, I created a zombie face for no particular game and felt like sharing it but it never went anywher because I’m not an experienced programmer, rather a visual artist.

What I didn’t expect is that my creation has become so widespread that it has reached front page zombie survival games on roblox in the past, however it unfortunately has also come with many derivative copycats of that same image with very little in the way of me being able to prove I’m the original artist, so I wonder…
Aside from showing you my image assets folder to prove the date, is there any here to authenticate this as me being the original creator? I’m also planning on maybe 3D modeling this as a head in blender since I’ve become quite profficient at using blender.


Worded kinda weird, Just wanted to ask are you trying to authenticate this due to the copies of the fact being sold on ugc marketplace and wanting royalties?

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Don’t necessarely want royalties as I’m okay with it being given away for free for others to use, just want some kind of verification that I’m the original creator. However I am NOT okay with people reselling this for their own monetary gain. that is effectively stealing. if people ARE selling these I either do want royalties, or C&D users selling this as a purchaseable item without my consent.

ADbros definitely did not ask my permission to sell this

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The date you uploaded it to Roblox will be recorded and you will have a file creation date for the original. You can approach the people that are making money from your designs and state you want a cut or you will complete a DMCA take down. If no joy complete the DMCA with Roblox providing your documents as evidence.


how am I supposed to approach people stealing? I mean I obviously have no itention or reason to friend request to subsequently message them, considering it’s not even certain the stealer even will interact, so is there any foolproof method to approach them with the gravity that they’re not entitled to selling items as their own that use my copyrighted material?

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