Is there any way to award player a badge when they get ragdolled / flung

i want to make a badge that you get when you get ragdolled or flung.
is it even possible to script? and if yes, then how?
i dont have any scripts and im also not a good scripter

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Pass a remote event when they ragdoll/fling and then make a script that awards the badge when that remote event is fired

how do i know when the player is ragdolled or flung tho?
and by ragdolling i mean falling off the feet and not being ragdolled like in ragdoll engine type of games

the game should know when a player is ragdolled.
Otherwise, you can check the kinds of joints the player has, or check it’s properties.
You can also check if the player is flung by their velocity being absurdly high, or them having not touched the ground in a little while.

how do i get player’s velocity?

first, get to the player’s character, then access the humanoidrootpart’s or torso’s velocity.

what is the normal player’s velocity?

i’d reccomend you to start up roblox studio and play on the baseplate for a sec and see all of a player’s properties.

does player’s velocity change when his character gets bigger?

Don’t use the regular Velocity property, as that is considered “deprecated” from this point onward (You can use the AssemblyLinearVelocity though)

@DueDeals You can change the current state of the Character’s Humanoid via using the Humanoid:ChangeState function, you can set that to Enum.HumanoidStateType.Ragdoll and create an event which will detect when the State has been changed to award the player the badge