Is there any way to convert luau into binary? or even strings?

sorry im making a lot of posts, i gotta lot of questions

Anyway, i think it would be cool to have a background with random 1s and 0s, but i want them to mean soemthing, not just be random ones.

Like if some player decides to convert the binary into a string, it actually says something like “The boogie man was here.” or something

Is there somehw to convert luau or even just strings into binary? even IF i have to use some API

The encoded string to binary value for “The boogie man was here.” would be: 01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100010 01101111 01101111 01100111 01101001 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101

However, If you want to make a function where you can input any string value and it returns back the binary value, here’s a function that does just that:

function stringToBinary(inputString)
	local binaryString = ""

	for i = 1, #inputString do
		local char = inputString:sub(i, i)
		local ascii = string.byte(char)
		local binary = ""

		while ascii > 0 do
			local bit = ascii % 2
			binary = bit .. binary
			ascii = math.floor(ascii / 2)

		while #binary < 8 do
			binary = "0" .. binary

		binaryString = binaryString .. binary .. " "

	return binaryString:sub(1, -2)

-- example
local input = "a"
local binaryOutput = stringToBinary(input)
print(binaryOutput) --> 01100001 

If you find this helpful, I’d appreciate if you solution it

@capsori’s solution is flawless, but I’d like to share a shorter solution that I was using in my projects a long time ago :nerd_face:

local function stringToBinary(str)
    return str:gsub(".", function(character)
        local result = ""
        for bit_index = 7, 0, -1 do
            result ..=  bit32.extract(character:byte(), bit_index) -- extract will return the bit at the (bit_index+1)the position
        return result .. " "
    end):sub(1, -2) -- to remove the extra space at the end

I didn’t test the code myself, so I don’t know if it truly works, but in theory it should.

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