Hi Devs!
Is there any way to get the quantity of a certain UGC Limited item?
I know that I can use MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo()
for the remaining quantities.
But, is there any way to get the total copies of an UGC limited item?
Hi Devs!
Is there any way to get the quantity of a certain UGC Limited item?
I know that I can use MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo()
for the remaining quantities.
But, is there any way to get the total copies of an UGC limited item?
It would be easier to just do it manually, they’re Limited for a reason, The only possible way I could think of achieving this would be to use HTTP Requests.
Would you not be able to just do
Total = Remaining + Sales
i just found that MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo()
gets you the same, so you can do:
, don’t use the other method.
your code should look like this:
local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketPlaceService")
-- Define ID before use
local info = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(ID)
-- Do something else here
I didn’t test it so let me know if it works
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