Is there any way to get the quantity of a certain UGC Limited item?

Hi Devs!

Is there any way to get the quantity of a certain UGC Limited item?

I know that I can use MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo() for the remaining quantities.
But, is there any way to get the total copies of an UGC limited item?



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It would be easier to just do it manually, they’re Limited for a reason, The only possible way I could think of achieving this would be to use HTTP Requests.

Would you not be able to just do

Total = Remaining + Sales



info.Sales returning 0.
I think this does not seem to be information applicable to UGC limiteds. :frowning:

i just found that MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo() gets you the same, so you can do:
MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(ID).CollectiblesItemDetails.TotalQuantity, don’t use the other method.

your code should look like this:

local MarketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketPlaceService")

-- Define ID before use
local info = MarketPlaceService:GetProductInfo(ID)

-- Do something else here

I didn’t test it so let me know if it works

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