Is there any way to keep Roblox from downgrading the quality of an artwork?

I’m working on some new GFX for a group and it’s our first thumbnail, it’s looking AMAZING but i’m worried that it’ll sorta look like a frame from a 480p Youtube Video after it passes moderation.

I really dont like that they somehow ruin the quality of an artwork i spend hours on, it’s annoying honestly.

What can I do to prevent this?


The short answer is that, unfortunatly, there is no way around it. Roblox does downgrade the quality of images. I agree that it would be nice if roblox would spare us a little more room for quality. However, since group thumbnails are so small in size in a page already, you honestly shouldn’t notice a difference, unless you artificially blow it up.

Can you show me some sort of documentation on this? As far as I can tell a 500KB texture or image takes up ~5MB in-game. It seems like Roblox packages textures in some sort of size-incremented way. They may scale the texture to the nearest power of 2 and pad it. This process may dilate the image.

You are right, they do downgrade the image quality, but it’s definitely not about space. Wish they would fix this!


You make a good point. It probably has less to do about storage space at this point. My point was that you don’t really need any more, although it would be nice to have some slack, than the 256 by 256 that roblox gives you.