I saw a community quest in rainbow six siege, some random one but with a huge goal, and every player contributed to that goal when completing the quest. Is it possible to create something like this in roblox?
I have no idea where to start if it is
There’s always a way to do anything.
You need to be more clear in what you’re attempting to do if you want to do it. Mainly, for something like what you said, the server can just tally what each player is doing, and then add them up.
If you need more help, then you need to be more clear in what you want to do, and what you’re trying to do. Then you can break it down into smaller problems and go from there.
i didnt mention this, i want the quest to be for every active server, so players from any server add points to that goal, thats what is not clear how to do, not just in a server, because that is much easier to do than what im actually trying
You can either use DataStoreService (DataStoreService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) to increment based on each server, or use messaging service (MessagingService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) to communicate between servers, or to a central server, then you can use those counts to calculate. Those are the main means of server communication. If you want to get a little more complicated, you can try MemoryStoreService (MemoryStoreService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub)
I made a real-time cross-server communication first achievement system with the DSS(UseCache disabled) and MS. First time hearing of MemoryStoreService. Could you briefly explain what scenarios the MSS would be superior? The documentation is relatively vague.
The guide is located here (Memory Stores | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub), and I’m going to pull straight from it:
MemoryStoreService is a high throughput and low latency data service that provides fast in-memory data storage accessible from all servers in a live session. Memory Stores are suitable for frequent and ephemeral data that change rapidly and don’t need to be durable, because they are faster to access and vanish when reaching the maximum lifetime. For data that need to be persistent and static across sessions, use Data Stores.
The data essentially expires, so it’s more of a cache than an actual datastore. It’s for quick and fast data that you want to be reliable, but something that changes often. I’d say when it comes to quick and short quests, it’d be pretty reliable in this circumstance.
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