Is there any way to make a custom tool grab?

Hello, I am currently trying to build a custom tool system.

Usually when a player drops a tool or if a tool is in the workspace, we ‘auto grab’ it if we touch the handle of the tool.

Is there any way to make it so that the tool is grabbed only if, say for instance…

  1. If we click the tool (Using click detector object) or
  2. If we press E when a billboard GUI pops up (if we are close to the tool)

or in other words is there any way to stop this ‘auto grabbing’ of the tools?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

if you want to make a gui appear when we are close to that tool we use something called Magnitude

Yeah, thanks a lot…
do you know any means to stop the players from auto grabbing the tool when they touch the tool?

use Debounce


It is automatic when a player touches the tool and equips it, roblox made that themselves.

You may want it to be a part, and use a click detector. When they click it, replicate a tool from ServerStorage into the backpack.

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If you’re wanting to prevent players from picking up the tool whenever they walk over the top of it, just rename the “Handle” part to something else. Then change the name back to “Handle” whenever you add the tool to the players inventory.


Thanks a lot that worked!!! Its pretty neat as well

Thank you everybody for trying to help me.

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