Is there any way to make a gui that doesn't have to be adorned in Startergui?

Is there a way to basically attach a GUI to a part and be part of the model itself, or do I have to use clickdetectors or something like that? Basically I need the same GUI to be part of the same part in different models like an upgrade GUI so to speak. Thank you for your answers.

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Yes, you can use Surface Gui.

But that’s the problem, using SurfaceGui means I have to have 1 copy of it in Startergui and it can only be adorned to 1 block. I want something that “comes” with the model and doesn’t have to use adornee system because that would mean I would have a need for a lot of the same GUIs in my Startegui and that seems inefficient and laggy.

Is there a way to just get the darn button to work without adornees is my question.

Just parent the SurfaceGui to the Part. It won’t have an appearance until you insert a GuiObject into that SurfaceGui (frame, text label, etc). Make sure you set it to a visible face too.

But I want a button to work that’s part of the SurfaceGui and I don’t think that it does this unless it is specifically somewhere in StarterGui. That’s the problem.

There is no way to make a surface gui work with buttons if its not in the PlayerGui unless you want to make your own system for that which is probably more trouble than its worth.

Thanks. Luckily I have a mouse detecting script so I will just use that and go from there (indexing by name).