Is there any way to make ChatService chat bubbles appear on top of everything?

I am trying to make ChatService chat bubbles called with :Chat() appear on top of all parts. I can’t seem to find a setting to change using SetBubbleChatSettings.

Is there any property/setting or way to put chat bubbles on top of all parts, similar to the BillboardGui property “AlwaysOnTop”?

As you can see, the chat bubble clips into transparent parts.

As you can see, the chat bubble does not appear above things such as hats. I am indeed calling it on the NPCs head - as I wish for it to be at the same level as everything else.

If there’s no current way, I’ll probably make a feature request.

Mayne have a look at

to see if there is anything there that may help.

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Sadly I do not see anything here for my current use case, but I did not know this existed. Cool for other things. :eyes:

did you find a fix for it? I’m having the same issue.

Nope. Best workaround is to make the transparent objects non-transparent during the cutscene and to move the chat bubble up.

There is currently no default chat bubble functionality to solve for this issue.

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