Is there any way to make textures respect the color of the MeshPart?


I’ve been trying to make an appearance loader that is supposed to be used in-game, that uses user’s CharacterAppearance, for my custom character rigs.

I’ve reached quite many difficulties so far. There’s a bunch of limitations that studio seems to be preventing me from continuing my work.

Here’s my character rig, untextured.

First off, I decided to use SurfaceAppearances, as they’re pretty new tech, assuming that it would help. looks pretty awesome… (textures used for limbs are given on the right)

I thought this would’ve been it, because i got the thing asked for, the textures do respect the color of the limbs. HOWEVER, a problem appeared when I just finished coding,


I later on found out that ROBLOX doesn’t seem to be able to quite handle this yet, as noted here

So, I decided to move to MeshPart.TextureID instead.

Have you spotted the difference? The transparent layer of the texture is seemingly replaced with a solid pitch black color, supposedly making changes to limb’s color just pointless.

I was about to say using SpecialMeshes and Decals might be good idea, though I quickly realized that they don’t support skinned meshes as of now. Even if they did, it may not be very optimal for me to use outdated tools to construct something new anyway.

The last thing I considered doing was duplicating every limb so that one of them can be used for color and the other for texture. Although this idea died really quick as it would double the vertice count, causing double the amount of chaos for my projects! (as well as, clipping, because, y’know, meshes look like they are melting as you go farther from the middle.)

Is there anyway that I can somehow have an alternative so I can tackle this issue? Or are there any upcoming features to, perhaps, support this feature?


I don’t believe I can explain it any further.

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I think I may have got it are you trying to put clothing on the meshe?

Well, yes, I guess you could call that a very simplifed version of my original purpose.

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You can get the asset I’d then put it in the clothing you can insert clothing through the explorer by pressing the little + sign