Is there any way to make the metal material look more like, metal?

Currently, the default metal material and the Smooth Plastic material look too alike. At a distance, they are almost completely indistinguishable. Because of this, even at maximum graphical settings, you can easily mistake them for each other. Because of the texture of the metal changes to almost the same color as the actual block itself, from a distance, it doesn’t look like metal.

Metal vs Smooth Plastic: (With colors adjusted to compensate metal being darker then Plastic.)

They are both 10x10x10 stud cubes, 10 studs apart, at max graphical settings, with the player in first-person 25 studs away.

Can you tell the difference without looking very closely? Probably not.

I’m not a builder, so sorry if this is a dumb question that can’t be solved. I know there are custom materials you can use, however, I do want to try and avoid that because of copyright. Diamond plating also won’t work for smaller objects.

Basically, what I’m looking for is a way to make the metal stand out more. Is there a certain way I can build with it that plastic wouldn’t really fit in, and it’s clear that its metal? Is there a way to make it more reflective like actual metal?


I recommend using texture instead of the material given in roblox studio for this. Here a pretty popular website hope this help


Sometimes I use glass, but in dark colors. I tweak the reflection property to get that nice little bling. Might not work for things like silver or iron, but it goes well with gold.


Have you tried using Lighting.EnvironmentSpecularScale and Lighting.EnvironmentDiffuseScale yet? This makes parts using metal a lot more shinier. However, you will need to use a different skybox from Roblox’s default one as the default one is wayy too blue.


This reply was a godsend, thank you so much. It looks much better, even with the blue skybox.

New Comparison, only difference is Lighting.

Grammar, line three, “if” became “is”.


Sorry I am Kinda Late. But If your looking for an Metallic look You can use my Save for a base.
Its For My Tripod and I been having a hard time trying to get it a shinny look. Sorry this is formatted poorly I am new to helping on the form. Also the Angle of the sun does effect how shiny it will be

Here is what I did:
My Save LoadingScreenLight.rbxl (700.6 KB)