Is there any way to prompt a player to favorite the game?


Unfortunately, I do not believe there is an option to prompt a user to favorite a game. If you still want some sort of prompt, I recommend making one yourself as more of an encouragement.

It is a good idea though, I think it would be beneficial if they released an API for it. :+1:


I never saw it in a game, and if there was a way, pretty sure everyone would be doing it, so no I don’t think so.


No, and I mean it is not necessary for ROBLOX to do this. Obviously, this would be really good. EXCEPT that favourites would not longer be favourites - the player are themselves supposed to choose what their favourites are. If they would create something like this, they should just rename favourites to something else.


You could use bots. But still they would have to have access to the players account.


Dont think so, althought you could create a GUI, get rewards from doing it, ect… ect…
like joining a group


No this is the worst idea i have ever heard in my entire life


To prompt a player to favorite the game, use AvatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite. It is intended for assets and bundles, but you can use it for games.

game:GetService("AvatarEditorService"):PromptSetFavorite(GameIDHere, 1)


Since when can you do that?!?!?


Even worse than making an aircraft carrier out of pykrete? :pensive:

I don’t understand why you have this deep hatred for users being asked to like a game. It’s almost as if mobile phone apps do it…

@V_ersalty You are a legend! Thank you very much. I’ll be sure to utilise this feature in the future.


Just to expand on this, you must use the PlaceId and not the GameId (also known as the UniverseId), which you can obtain through the Asset Manager in Studio or the Creator Dashboard.

Code line should look like this:

avatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite(00000000000, Enum.AvatarItemType.Asset, true)
How to get PlaceId

Method 1: Asset Manager in Studio

  1. In the View tab in Studio, open the Asset Manager by clicking this button:

  2. This window should pop up:

  3. Select the “Places” option:

  4. Right-click on the place you want to be favorited and select “Copy Id To Clipboard”:

  5. Paste the Id into the code snippet I have provided above.

Method 2: Creator Dashboard on the Web

  1. In the Creations tab in Creator Dashboard, select the game you want to copy the PlaceId from:

  2. Click the three lines at the top to open the menu. Select “Places” under “Configure”:

  3. Select the place:

  4. Copy the SECOND number in the URL and paste it into the code snippet above:

Hope this helped someone, this took forever to write lmao


i do have a deep hatred for users, 1 its like not favourite so users should decide that by themself instead of a stupid popup which will prob ruin the whole point of favoourites and also most devs will put it in their game to popup every 10 secs and promise a reward or something


It is possible in Viral Simulator Game, i tested it and it actually favourites

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I’ve seen this in a few games now and it seems to work, if anybody can find the way to do this please tell us :pray:


this works like an actual charm :sob:

one of my little test projects, with 713 visits, got 109 favorites with the prompt added.

roughly one of every 7 players favorited the game, which is an absolute win if you are struggling to get into the algorithm.


Can you make it loop? game:GetService(“AvatarEditorService”):PromptSetFavorite(GameIDHere, 1)

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Do I need to enable access to api services to make this work? and what format does the script have to be localscript or normale script?where do I place it in workspace or other? HELP I NEED FULL GUIDE TO SET THIS UP CUZ IT DOESN’T WORKKK

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How it doesn’t work to me what steps did u do to make it work?

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Were do i put this code

avatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite(00000000000, Enum.AvatarItemType.Asset, true) ??

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put this avatarEditorService:PromptSetFavorite(00000000000, Enum.AvatarItemType.Asset, true) in startplayerscripts with a local player scripts

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