Is there anyway to blend camera priority via BindToRenderStep?

Hello, so in my game I have this part where the camera follows the player while the camera scriptable and that works PERFECTLY but i also have this mechanic where the camera does a shake while the camera would be following the player and that works too but the issue is that for some reason when the camera shake does happen it like seems to take priority over the following even though they are both using BindToRenderStep()?

this is my code for following the player and the followClone function

local function followClone()
 local position = clone.PrimaryPart.Position - clone.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * cameraDistance +, cameraHeight, 0)
 TweenService:Create(camera,, {
    CFrame =, clone.PrimaryPart.CFrame.Position)

 RunService:BindToRenderStep("followClone", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 2, followClone)