I wanted to know if theres a way to check if a frame is completely in the view of player, for example, i have a frame and the half of the frame is outside of the player’s view, i want to check if the entire frame is in the view of player. I want this for a notification system, i know i can check AbsoluteContentSize.Y but this is not what i want , from where the resolution is different on each device. I want to make it like if the frame is not in the view then It’ll not let the script that is about duration and stuff run until it comes to view, so is there anyway to check if the frame is completely in view?.
You could create a chain of checks to determine if a frame is visible.
I would advise against using this, and more-so just tracking variables so it’s more efficient on performance.
local function IsWithinBounds(Frame: GuiObject, Parent: GuiObject): boolean
local absPos = Frame.AbsolutePosition
local absSize = Frame.AbsoluteSize
local parentAbsPos = Parent.AbsolutePosition
local parentAbsSize = Parent.AbsoluteSize
return (
absPos.X + absSize.X < parentAbsPos.X or -- Too far left
absPos.X > parentAbsPos.X + parentAbsSize.X or -- Too far right
absPos.Y + absSize.Y < parentAbsPos.Y or -- Too far up
absPos.Y > parentAbsPos.Y + parentAbsSize.Y -- Too far down
local function IsVisible(Frame: GuiObject): boolean
local visible = true
local currentFrame = Frame
while currentFrame do
if currentFrame:IsA("GuiObject") then
-- Check if the current frame is visible
if not currentFrame.Visible then
visible = false
-- Check if it is within bounds of parent (if parent is GuiObject)
local parent = currentFrame.Parent
if currentFrame:IsA("GuiObject") and (parent and parent:IsA("GuiObject")) and parent.ClipsDescendants then
if IsWithinBounds(currentFrame, parent) then
visible = false
elseif currentFrame:IsA("ScreenGui") then
-- Check if the ScreenGui is enabled
if not currentFrame.Enabled then
visible = false
-- Traverse up to the parent
currentFrame = currentFrame.Parent
return visible
I wrote this on a whim, I’m not certain if this works.
Well, i tested the IsWithinBounds function, and it returned false when the frame was in a view and when it was not in the view.hmm
Oh, whoops! In the “IsWithinBounds” function, I accidentally included a “not” within the return value. You can remove that, and it should behave as intended.
Hmm , still, it returned false when thr frame was in view and wasn’t in view so i think if i remove the not it returns true when the frame is in view and not i guess. Still is a problem
I have an idea which i do not know if it works. I can get the AbsoluteSize.Y of the screen by using a full screen frame ig , for example it is 700, then i can do something like
local Size=700
local result=frame.AbsoluteSize.Y+frame.AbsolutePosition.Y
if result>=Size then return false elseif result<Size then return true end
Will it work?
Nevermind, didn’t work. Help , the max Size is 1080 and the result is 1022 and is already outside of the screen
–i managed to do something like this, i don’t like this way but this is the only working way i know for my job, if you know a different way tell me
local function IsInsideHolder(MainHolder:GuiObject)
-- my Holder has a UIPadding, UIListLayout, and the templates
local result=MainHolder:FindFirstChildOfClass'UIPadding'.PaddingTop.Offset+game:GetService'GuiService':GetGuiInset().Y+MainHolder:FindFirstChildOfClass'UIListLayout'.AbsoluteContentSize.Y
if result<=MainHolder.AbsoluteSize.Y then return true
elseif result>MainHolder.AbsoluteSize.Y then return false
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