Is there currently a way to add a neon/glow effect to meshparts?

So I have this mesh as an example:

And I wanna know how I can make this meshpart glow the same way a neon part would normally glow.
I am using shadow mapping as lighting, have neon chosen as a material.

Anyway, I hope there is a way to fix this, and if not is there any alternatives? As I am mainly a blender modeller and am not that experienced in Roblox Studio.


It’s probably because you have a texture. I’m not sure, but if you tried without a texture, it would add that neon glow to it. I don’t think materials overlay on textures.


There used to be a hacky method involving SpecialMeshes, but just confirming it now before posting, I’ve found that that’s since been patched.

There could be another method unknown to me, but the only method I knew no longer works. Sorry!


When you have a texture on an object it seems to overlay all materials, only showing the specularity of that material.

To achieve a neon ninja star without using more than one mesh or multiple objects, you can vertex paint the areas black that you don’t want to glow. Black neon not creating light is an intentional part of the engine so you shouldn’t have to worry about relying on this.

What I did was separate the two areas of my model into different objects so that I could just go into vertex paint mode and easily paint the inner area.

The inner selection I wanted to keep dark is vertex painted black

When imported as a single object it looks like this in Studio!

With this method you can do some cool effects by changing HSV values since the black area won’t be effected.