I have an animation that plays when you equip a tool, but the players’ idle/walk animations override it and that makes the tool move up and down. I want the tool to be never rotated and for it not to be able to go through the ground, does anyone know how? (without turning CanCollide on)
The HumanoidRootPart is not rotated with the animation. You could create the tool model under the character model and add a weld between the model and the HRP.
also it looks like the holding animation doesn’t apply to the lower left arm/hand
How would I weld the tool to the humanoidrootpart?
Insert a weld into the tool and set the welds part0 to the handle of the tool and the part1 to the humanoid root part, something like this: Weld.Part1 = Character.HumanoidRootPart
We have a problem…
The hand disappears and it doesn’t grip properly.
change the orientation? I would give more examples but I’m at school at the moment
Instead of making it a tool that always has the hand connected to the handle, make it a model spawned by the tool. The model should have a primary part directly in the position of the HRP and the tool model in front of the player like this. Create weld constraints between the model’s primary part and the rest of the parts in the model. (red cube is the primary part, centered at HRP because of the weld)
I tried this but it didn’t work, can you help me? This is my script:
local tool = script.Parent
char = tool.Parent
tool.Weld.Part1 = char.HumanoidRootPart
hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
if not track then
track = hum.Animator:LoadAnimation(tool.Animation)
char, hum = nil,nil
Hey there. Sorry for not replying, was quite busy for a while
Unfortunately I’m not a scripter so I can’t help with this issue.
After a few weeks worth of more work and trying to understand what you said, I’ve finally done it. But I didn’t clone a model, I just took away the handle and welded it to the HumanoidRootPart.