Is there possible way to make Skinnedmesh Ragdoll without multiple parts?

Is there possible way to make Skinnedmesh Ragdoll without multiple parts ? or it’s possible to use smart bone to make ragdoll ?


not sure if this is the right topic category, but I’m making a game centered off of ragdolls with a skinned meshed character. I have yet to actually try anything, but I do have an idea that might work!

My idea is to create two characters, 1 rig that would be made of studio parts and connected normally like a normal ragdoll (like the yellow person in the image) and have a second rig that is the skinned mesh character( like the white person in the image), and what you could do is make the cframe of each bone in the second rig goto the cframe of its counterpart on the first rig.

in conclusion, make one rig be the actual ragdoll and have the skinned mesh follow it.