We have been working on our game, Maze Craze, for a long time, but we feel like there is something missing(gameplay-wise/UX-wise) in our game, but we don’t know what.
Tell us any additions to our game, whether it be nearly complete revamps to simple fixes, so that we know how to fix the missing gap that’s stopping most players from throughly enjoying our game!
Be as critical as deemed neccesary, but please make it constructive.
We hope that our game is a game that people alike you can enjoy!
Okay, I can’t play right now so could you provide images/gameplay videos? One thing is taht the name looks a bit strange, I’m not sure if a lot of people would look for it
I love the maps and loading screens but the name feels a bit misleading. From the time I played, it seemed to be more a “Collect coins and run from boss” game.
This might be quite advanced for a small development team, but maybe a level system. You must pass one level to get to the next, which adds a goal to the game.
Maybe you could also make a level editor, though this is probably extremely hard to do.
Yeah. It gives the game a purpose. The game should lean towards a strategy game, because from what I know you just complete mazes and hope that it’s the end, which isn’t really strategic and doesn’t require much skill.
Winpad is actually an operating system based off of Windows 3.1 made by Microsoft. It was never released.
Anyways, like you said, a system where you go to another level after winning would not only, at least in my opinion, not turn it into a strategic game, it would also break the game(the game would need a COMPLETE redesign) and cause the game to be to hard(like, who can beat two extreme mazes in four minutes.)
I understand your reasoning, but it would be really inconvienient and may not actually have the result you desire.
If it seemed like I was heavily critizing you, I’m not, just accepting the limitations of my programming abilities.
Are there any other options or ideas that you were thinking of?
Hm. Well, the problem with the game is that users ask “What’s the point of the game? Why should I play this?”
In most competitive games, the user is trying to be better than other players, so us developers who work on them don’t need to give the game a separate purpose other than to be better than all others.
However, this obviously won’t work for you.
Maybe add a way to kill the golem by setting up traps with things you find around the maze. I’m not so sure at this point, since I don’t specialize in this genre.
I’m not sure. What is the main aspect of your game that is enjoyable? In my opinion, I don’t really like what this game offers without any motivation to complete the maze. It just feels like work sometimes.
Ah, I didn’t realize that. The only issue is that it’s not clear enough and saying it in the description would make it seem pay-to-win. Possibly multiplying the rewards by the number of players if you get first place will encourage more people to play, and also showing a message after the game ended saying who the first person to win was.
I believe the main aspect of the game is the golem, and I thought that’d be motivation to complete the maze, while also avoiding the golem. What would be suitable motivation?
When you win, it goes from the people that won first to last. Also, like I said, you do get extra rewards from winning before others.
Maybe some coins in the maze, where collecting them slows you down and makes you closer to the golem, but by going out of your way you can collect more.
Good choice.
But I do recommend multiplying the rewards by the number of people playing in the server if you got first place.
In that case, I don’t really see any more issues if you add some affected earnings depending on how many people are playing. I think it might work if you implement this change, but I can’t be sure.
I’d recommend playing the game yourself for about 20 minutes straight and see what is repetitive and boring yourself. It’s quite hard to describe here in the current state of the game.
The golem bow is a pretty recent addition to the game, and it can be unlocked only through a secret. Those two things are probably why you haven’t heard of it.
Ah, got it. In that case, it’s probably best to keep it a secret.
If you are planning to add traps and keep the value of the bow, you might want to make it slow down the golem a small amount and add a limited number of traps.