I saved my local place .rbxl file, exited it, opened it back up. And then half the map I just spent hours creating was completely gone. I’ve been saving with ‘Save To File’ liberally while working on it (so that this DOESN’T happen), and since I can’t find the auto-save for it anywhere I am hoping the version history can help.
My PC is perfectly fine, no issues with memory or data of any kind ever. All of the sudden they were just all gone. My thoughts are that the models that half the map was in glitched out and were seen as empty (couldn’t expand the parent model, but could select them in the main window), I have seen this before but not where it doesn’t save them. It’s like they got corrupted.
So, my question is in the title. Like in a published game, is there version history in a local file?
I don’t believe Roblox Studio has file versioning for local files, unfortunately. What I would try though is to double-check your autosaves (in Studio, go to File > Advanced > Open Auto Saves), try opening your file in the Recent category, and if really necessary, check the Roblox files to see if Studio managed to save some “temporary” backup somewhere.
Other than that, I don’t think there’s any way to roll back your local file. I think every major OS has some sort of file versioning capability (File History in Windows, Time Machine in Mac, and Timeshift(?) in some Linux distributions), but you need to manually set it up first. Most cloud storage also has file versioning, like OneDrive or MEGA.
Also, if you were using unions to build your map and those disappeared, I think there is a tutorial in the DevForums that can help you recover those.
Sorry if this isn’t helpful in your current situation, but it might prevent this problem from happening again.