Is this a backdoor or what causes this?

Hello people, today while I was working on my project I saw this on the output:

(Script is not mine!)

I am not sure what is this, any ideas?

It’s 100% not a backdoor. A backdoor has to be a server script. This is a local script.

You are printing it, check print(url) under local url = string.format...

Sorry for not clarifying, script is not mine. I didn’t write it or inserted it. It prints that when I playtest.

Then just remove print(url)

Script is not mine and doesn’t exists in the explorer and I didn’t wrote it, it might be doing something malicious. I’m just trying to understand where is it coming from.

Check if the Script is not really in your Explorer, the Output prints the Text because of the Script, check if you really dont have the Script in your Game anymore and run it again. If you dont find the Script then try to remove all Scripts and run and check if the text is visible again in the Output.

Script is not in the explorer and there is no require used in the project currently. There is no another script then what I wrote. When I playtest, it prints that on the output.

Try to remove all scripts in your game and see if its printing again.

I’m pretty sure all my scripts clear.

Press Ctrl + Shift + F to search all the scripts in your game. Search for require.

This output is coming because of the print(url) in the Picture, as u can see in the Picture over print(url) there is a text, its the same text u get in your Output, so check your Scripts again, it must be inside your script.

@doggy00 Yes I did, I already clarified that I don’t have any require.

@Pegagittt I can see that, the problem is I don’t have that script, I don’t have any module scripts in the project and it doesn’t exists.

If there is no require() and you are sure that the script is not present before running the game, then search for getfenv as well. The only other explanation is that Roblox is loading this script in on their own, which sounds ridiculous because Roblox rarely (if ever) leaves prints in their code. (EDIT: This was the exact issue. Roblox’s engineers made a mistake and this was the result of a bug.)

Scripts don’t just magically appear from nothing. Something is creating it (and it’s not a backdoor).

Here is my script hierarchy:
I also re-checked my scripts but I don’t have anything calling that.

I’m unsure what GuiHandler and ParkourClient are, but it’s possible that one of those is what’s creating the script. If you want to narrow it down, you can try disabling them one at a time and then testing until you don’t receive a print message.

Furthermore, whatever you used to view the code in the script can also be used to find the script’s location while you’re playtesting. This information could also be helpful. Right-click on the script’s tab (it should be called FollowingsGetStatus according to the output) and then click Show in explorer.

yet, checked all the images below and to clarify about this, it’s not backdoor as there is a document link to Roblox official site, The ones you are getting is printing leak and is assumed to be a bug.

It’s not seen on Output usually, it’s apart of Roblox’s Source code

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This is an accident by Roblox engineers, not a backdoor. Its a debug print for the URL.
More info here:


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