Is this a good desert biome (low poly)

This is the desert biome for my simulator is it good what should i add or change


You should make the walls only slightly darker than the ground. You should also make the rocks in the middle just normal, grey rocks. You could add things like cacti, dead trees, and bushes.

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looks good like @SneakerDude2 said add some cacti and stuff

Epic! but I agree to add some more stuff its a bit plain

Looks good. Has a lot of potential! Iā€™d add some height variation to the ground and add overall some more things in some more color varation. Maybe even add like a typical skull/bone or a sand house or something like that.

I like the low poly feeling, but its pretty bland. Add some Cacti, Bushes, Tumbleweeds, Elevate some areas, de-elevate some areas, etc.

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