Is this a good game idea?

Please point it out to me if I have done anything wrong in this post, it my first one, and I want to know so my next ones can be better :slight_smile:

I have a game idea, and I am wondering wether or not it will work in both making revenue and being liked among users
The game is simple, its a museum where you can use a freecam to explore fully detailed maps, like a bunch of people shooting rockets and swordfighting on the Crossroads! I am torn on wether or not I should do it, as I think it may be boring to some players. I need some adivce on wether this game could be a sucess, or if I shouldn’t work on it, or if the idea may need some tweaking.


What is your feedbock on this idea?
  • Go with it!
  • Don’t go With it!
  • It’s a good idea, needs tweaking.

0 voters


I had accidentally made it so you can choose two options, I would prefer if you just chose one!

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Can you elaborate a bit more? I don’t really understand what your game is about.

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I’m sorry, it’s basically just a 3d museum, you can go into portals and look at roblox maps by flying around the map if that helps

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I don’t think that will work out very well, as players want to have something to do. I’m sorry but flying around in a museum does not sound very appealing.

Also, after 1 visit most players will have probably seen it all and will most likely not return.

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I’d dare say that this is an awesome idea. However, as Mees has mentioned, there isn’t much replayability. This would be more of a showcase game.

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I see that being reasonable, thank you for your inquiry

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how would multiple showcases sound, like an Toh type along with several others?

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If you really want to add a “Wow” factor, I suggest having miniature displays(As shown below). Then you can include actual moving characters, as a live display.


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That sounds amazing! I’ll definitly test it out!

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But how would I go about live display?
I’m no scripter, so I might need extra help, or a module you may know of?

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this game could be like Pokemon Snap on roblox