Is this a good game idea?

Over the past few days, I’ve been working on a TDS-style game. There are two main game modes: classic and zombie. In the classic mode, you and a team both have bases, you start off with £500 and each minute you get 100, and with that money you can buy defenders and attackers, the defenders are like the towers in TDS, the attackers are like the zombies in TDS, you can upgrade the defenders. Each kill you get from either the attacker or defender is +£100.

So basically I want your suggestions, feedback, and ideas!

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I mean as of now its a basic TDS-like game but I believe that you can add amazing features so it can stand out of every other tower defence game!


In my opinion, it already stand out, instead of a one team game, it’s turned into a two-team competitive game. Anyways, thanks for the feedback!

Sounds like you’re trying to come up with an original game idea. The thing is, this already exists. It has for eleven years now. There’s a game called Tower Battles that is exactly what you described.

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Well half of the game, my game also includes TWO teams opposing each over, the team have to “break” the other’s base by spawning the zombie-like ai (that makes their way to the enemy’s base, and when they hit the “entrance” the health get’s reduced by 20% of their health ) and towers (as in basic tds games) defend your base.

You mean like these this?


Okay but people who live in the U.S. won’t know what that symbol means.

How braindead do you think americans are

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very, I’m from America so I would know

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So the vast majority of americans don’t know what a pound is? I mean I know what a dollar is pretty well
Also wasn’t trying to be rude just saw that it looked kinda like that

I can’t speak for everyone, but I would assume most don’t know what it is or looks like. I’ve heard of the word pound before but I couldn’t tell you what the symbol is.

precisely why the games should use a dollar, it’s more globally known.

I know I was typing it on my I-pad, and I couldn’t find the dollar sign.

This is kind off-topic lol.


Not really, it’s hard to put in words but i’ll try;

So when the player clicks (well i’m not sure for now but here’s a demo) a “Play” button, there will be two options: “Solo (Zombies)” and “Multiplayer”, clicking on Solo will teleport to the team v zombies version, but instead it’ll be only you. Clicking on the Multiplayer will result in three new options: “1v1”, “Classic”, and “Zombies”.

okay well first of all it’s not a pound, it’s a euro.

Mate I live in England and use this currency, it’s a pound. € is a euro

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so a basic tower defense?
none of them stand out

oh wait my bad, looked at the wrong thing lol. you’re right, i’m wrong.

Well, a tower defence game with a little twist, instead of it being only 1 team which fights off zombies, it’s 2 teams that fights of their enemy’s “attackers” by placing defenders, or towers.

So, from what I understand, you are making a tower defense game but some towers that you place attack the other team instead of your zombies?

Ye basically (Ignore this, this message needed 30+ characters lol)