Is this a good replacement for the Nazi flag?

I am working on a racing game and decided to add little flags on the corner to help with finding cars along with alphabetical car sorting.

I decided that using the old flag of a country for an old car would be a nice touch. The problem is i have a 1936 german car and that the nazi flag of germany was in use from 1935-1945.

Will this work?

It is the same flag but with the swastika removed. Will this work or should i just use the previous flag?


A stand in for the swastika in a racing game seems very out of place. Why not use the imperial German flag instead?
It was used alongside the swastika during the initial years of Nazi Germany after It was reintroduced.

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i am thinking of using it but i just want to know if the modification i made is allowed or not.

You can use the Nazi flag in your game, just like the flag of the Soviet Union.

If you don’t feel confident about using it, I would recommend using the Imperial German one, as it will be easier for a player to recognize.

I would use the one players will associate with Germany the most - the Imperial flag.

If you don’t absolutely require a period correct flag, just use the regular german flag (everyone will recognise it fine)

If you must have a period correct flag, I’d suggest either the imperial flag as suggested above, or switching up the nazi flag a LOT (shuffling the colours around, changing the size of the circle, replacing the swastika with a roblox logo) so it’s very clearly not the nazi flag whatsoever, but still recognisably fits its purpose (the people who would know what it is would likely put two and two together to recognise it)


You should go for the flag used in WoT and WoW. Your modification looks more like a color-inverted Japanese flag, than the one of Nazi-Germany lacking the swastika.


Would like to say that they used the balkenkreuz (for cars), not the COUGH COUGH


Use the real one? β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž β€Ž

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brosquito i know u did not just say that… what the heck??? i think this may be the WRONG forum for you.

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