Is this a good shirt?

Note this is my first decent shirt i didn’t mess up i just wanted to some feedback on it and what it needs i know it isn’t the most brilliant worked on shirt i just trying making these and think it looks



memes aside

It’s really too simple to provide feedback on. Try adding shading to simulate ripples/folding of the shirt, or… really, anything that makes it worth buying. This could be done by anyone with Paint.Net and 2 minutes of work.


Is this a troll? Literally all I see is the word “Honey” which is in the default font. If you really mean it, then you have lots of improvements to make, just go look on the catalog for how a shirt is supposed to look like.


i genuinely feel like this is a lackluster shirt, since everything is yellow with the word “honey” slapped on it

HOWEVER there is so much potential for this shirt, I’ll suggest:

  • have black stripes so it’ll look like a bee (haha like bees and honey)
  • if you’re aiming for an aesthetic look, a crop top or a tank top will look cute! this includes changing the text to something more cute and lovely
  • a less bright/saturated color, since the bright light yellow is pretty…yknow bright lol

watching a yt video on how to make clothes is recommended! you’ll get a better understanding of/and making clothes. hopefully this helps lol


Thankyou for the reply ill try to make some changes to it soon.

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Thankyou for the reply! Ill try to look at more shirts in the catalog and ill try to improve sorry this was my first try!

You might want to add a neck hole. Also the players’ hands are going to be yellow so you might want to change that. The text is probably a little too high up. I’m not too good at making clothing but you should probably add some details. Sorry, I’m not trying to be rude I just want to help. It’s okay though, because it’s your first. Anyways, I hope this helped and good luck! :slight_smile:


Thankyou for your feedback!Ill try adding soem more details to it

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You need to cut out spaces for the hand part

All jokes aside I think you might be new to the designing community so I recommend starting off with box shading. The text should be more in the center imo and maybe add more stuff to give it a little spice. Maybe add a little necklace or something to make it not seem so plain.