Is This A Good Sponsor Result?

I’m wondering if this is a good result for the minimum ad credits purchase & use in 1 day with Roblox Ads.

The game was at around ~ 60-70 visits before the sponsor.
I appreciate anyone’s help!


I haven’t had a ton of personal experience with the new Roblox ads and sponsoring system but for just one day this isn’t too bad. If you think it might be low I would point to your thumbnail(s) or lack thereof not really showing much that might make someone play the game even after they’ve clicked on the ad :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback.

Personally, don’t believe it’s too low for the minimum.
And also I do have to admit the thumbnails are kind of boring, can’t do much because I’m not a thumbnail designer.

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I’m definitely not a thumbnail designer either, but you don’t learn things unless you try!! Unless you’ve got the money to pay someone else to do it. Sometimes it’s as simple as taking pictures (I reccomend lower FOVs in the camera settings to make pictures look better) and applying a couple of effects such as vignettes or color corrections in a program like =D

tl;dr anything that actually shows your game or something a potential player might be more interested in


what’s up with that thumbnail and why there’s no description lol.

for 10 ad credits that visits amount is terrible


First of all, don’t have to be harsh on the thumbnail.

I don’t have good thumbnail making expertise to say the least. I’m also too broke for a designer for such a thumbnail.

And are you okay? There’s literally a description.

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For 3000 Robux, I personally wouldn’t bother. You’d likely get more visits by spending about half an hour networking and promoting your game on platforms like the DevForum, Reddit, or Discord.

I get the vibe you’re going for with your game’s name and art, but realistically, with the limited information on your game page, it’s unlikely that advertising alone would bring in a significant number of visits. Games like this usually grow organically over time.


Thanks for the feedback.

I did try to add more information into the description and name to hopefully help. And I also did a gamepass sale, which may bring more revenue to help me make the game better. It might attract players too.
I’m currently working on a new thumbnail that actually shows more of the game instead of a blurred background too!
Appreciate all of you guys for helping me so far with my game.

@CloutBl0x, @EvilTony99, @surishen

Do these look good for a new thumbnail?

The top one is messed up. I accidentally changed some settings but I’m too lazy to change it.

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That looks much better. You might want to increase the text size on the 1:1 Icon though.

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