Is this a good thumbnail?


I would like some feedback on this thumbnail I made.
It is for a VR Shooter game, so what do you think?

I am not a professional GFX designer by any means, so I know this could definitely be improved apon.

Thank you!


its not very appealing to me and it doesnt give me an idea of what the game is about

no sorry


It’s too basic and bland. Although it still looks better than what other people make, you could make it look EVEN better.

I suggest making the text thicker and bigger and adding more design/decorations/details on the thumbnail.


Could def use some work in my opinion. At first glance, I thought this was one of those animations that pop up when a player collects a item, but realized this was for a game place thumbnail.

Try to add some more details to it that may showcase a bit of the gameplay, and make it more visually appealing.

If this is for a vr shooter game, try showing what players would look like ingame (like floating heads shooting each other with laser guns)
Also try making the font / text on the image bigger and more attention grabbing.


This thumbnail is simply telling me that it’s a VR game. You might perhaps want to include an avatar wearing a VR headset with a weapon of some sort?


I am certainly not experienced in thumbnail designing but in my opinion, nothing really stands out in this thumbnail and it looks very simple and almost like not a lot of work was put into it, but I am sure that the thumbnail isn’t your main worry and I’m sure it will improve.