Is this a good way of making a semicircle for a hall?

I used rotate and copy pasted parts. I only want the inside so it doesent matter that the outside is a bit rough.
Is there a better method to make the semicircle look smother or should I stick to this?

You could try unioning a cylinder?

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Yes but I plan on building up from that foundation and it would make the process even longer since I want to windows and it would be way easier to make parts and copy paste them

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Everything is depending on which style you’re trying to make.


If you have the right plugin, I recommend using a lot of rotated parts that are rotated around the outside edges.

Plugin that I use:
(Thanks @Fractality :sunny:)

Why I don’t recommend using unions for this:

  • It’s a pain to edit later
  • The amount of sides on the cylinder part is a fixed amount
  • Can’t snap other parts (such as picture frames, ladders, windows, etc.) onto cylinder part faces using the move tool
  • The material direction might not look right (especially for the wood-plank material)

I’d recommend you use this plugin

It’s useful when it comes to making smooths arcs. :smiley:

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I’m assuming you selected opposite ends, used center rotate to create a circle, then deleted unwanted parts to create the semicircle. After creating it manually, you can select all parts in the circle and scale each of them double-sided to create a much cleaner curve. This is a solid way of creating circular curves as you have more control over your circle radius and amount of parts in the circle.

In your specific example, you asked help in creating a smoother curve. This can be achieved by simply having a smaller angle and later scale parts so they’re cleaner.

While you can use a plugin like Archimedes II, you’d have much less control over the circle. It’s only good in creating circles if you don’t need precise dimensions. Let’s pretend you created the curve in the original post using Archimedes II. In order to achieve a smoother curve, you’d need to use a smaller angle and scale the length of the bricks down. Even then, your radius would change and if you needed your radius to be kept the same, you’d need to go through a bunch of trial and error to get the optimal combination of angle and brick length. Had you used the manual method instead of the plugin, all you needed to do would have been to use a smaller angle and scale bricks afterwards. The radius would be kept the same while yielding a smoother curve.

You can see why flaws in Archimedes II matter if you need specific measurements and that for circular curves, it’s generally better to build them manually.

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The method you used is the best for having the most control over the size of the semi-circle

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This plugin might help you: