Is this a good way to decide something using math?

For a while I have been think over how I can make a formula to decide on something by determining its best value for …

I have created something that I quite like and a way about doing it.

Lets say I wanted to choose a race to participate in.

I have three values i need to determine its overall quality:

The Number of players
The Time until it starts - usually normalized
And the earnings

The best way I found is to do

return NumPlayers / TimeTilStart * Earnings

Generally I believed this yielded a good result. The only problem is it can yield inf if one value is zero.
But I think it works okay.

I want to know if there are another others methods to determine if something is best like race for example


NumPlayers = 3
TimeTilStart = .75
Earnings = 1


NumPlayers = 2
TimeTilStart = .89
Earnings = 1.5

Using My method this would results in

Race1 = 4      --something because idk what units it would be in?
Race2 = 3.37     --something because idk what units it would be in?

According to my method it would be best to choose race1.

I would like any other methods people have that may yield a better result


i’m confused on the usecase scenario of this
if you want to calculate the amount of earnings from something wouldn’t

local BaseEarnings = 5
local NumPlayers 
local EarningsPerPlayer = BaseEarnings + NumPlayers

be more balanced overall?

or even

local BaseEarnings = 5
local PlayerIncrease = 2
local NumPlayers 
local EarningsPerPlayer = BaseEarnings + NumPlayers * PlayerIncrease

workout? but i don’t really know what you’re trying to do

Basically, the more players a race has the better it is, the sooner the race starts the better it is, the higher the earnings the better the race is. Get it?

Ahh, well I can’t really offer any better solutions, the way you’ve got it setup is how I would most likely do it.

thanks anyways brooooooqo00000