Is This A New Virus?

Hey Everyone, My Name Is Nehoray

I Looked In One of My Scripts And Found This

And The URL Leads To:

My Plugins:


Yes. That is a type of virus. These kinds of viruses often come from Plugins. Your F3X plugin appears to be a fake one. (Not sure) Delete it and find the real one. (If it is a fake one) They can’t be removed until the plugin is removed, as the plugin will continue adding the virus back.


It was likely a free model, all those plugins are the legit ones. Just delete the script.


That f3x plugin is the real one tho. I have it myself.


It actually wasnt, please have another look!


I haven’t used F3X before. I’m sorry, but I wasn’t confirming.

that means I think so, but I’m not sure. I have added “Not sure” to show that more.

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Yes, heres the F3X Plugin if you wanted to know. Building Tools by F3X (Plugin) - Roblox

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Yeah, I had checked the user’s profile and he’s a high rank in a private group owned by the creator of MM2.

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There’s a plugin that is fake. It’s the Moon Animator or the uiDesign Lite.

Press the creator, because I noticed they have attempted to mask the creator by group name instead:

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There are many of those, it’s basically just a backdoor that infects games for a quick buck, Nothing new.

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The ones I can rule out are F3X, Load Character (I have the pro version so I trust it), Cut scene editor, every plugin you paid for, and probably Words of Encouragement.