Is this a new virus?

Hello there,

I’m currently working on a game and um, I think some of my developers decided to backstab me, I found 1 virus in my game and deleted it using a plugin named Ro-Defender. Also, I found out my main menu broke whilst it was working fine a few days ago.
I also see this weird alien thing.

Can someone help me?

Thanks, Alfa_Upsilon


Would you mind inspecting the scripts?

I got over 70 scripts. :cry: I’m doing ServerScriptService right now.

Can you list your developers? I might be able to spot a backstabber.

I think this might be a backdoor. Get rid of any malicious plugin. Open up the explorer and look for scripts you did not add. Expand all the hierarchies.

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Found this script that was inluded with the Alien UI.
game.TweenService:Create( script.Parent.ViewportFrame.Handle,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,-1,true,0),{Orientation=Vector3(0,360,0)}):Play()

Lead Scripter - Selepathic
Scripter - ndh2015

This is the entire Gui.

I once found some sketchy scripts before too, in my case they we’re located in Lighting, you might want to check that

Furthermore, I don’t know if you’re using Modules, but it can’t hurt to search in all scripts for “require”, it’s often used by malicious scripts, just press cntrl - shift - f to search in all scripts

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Did you put the version text there yourself? Because the alien image seems too perfectly aligned with the version text to be coincidental. This might indicate that somebody that has direct access to the game did it (I really don’t want to start blaming developers that I don’t know, so please don’t take my word for it).

Can you also try changing the parent of the handle to the workspace to see what it is?

Quick suggestion, go to Manage Plugins and just disable all of them except for the ones that you can trust.

If the issue still persists, you’ll probably be safest reverting to a version before this alien was appearing and just copying over the parts and models that you made during that time.

Have you looked in the GUI? If there is a display it must surely have a GUI and a REMOTE. Please check this. : D

why would it have a remote bruh, the devs of the “virus” or whatever it may be, aren’t that dumb to make it that obvious

i had the same problem. i think go to the lastest models u used and then go open an baseplate to test it.

It doesn’t mean they meant to add in a virus. It’s still possible a plugin automatically inserted a script.