Is this a viable way of assigning two parts to a singular variable?
I am scripting the part where the hands of the player’s character connects with the bag before executing a certain function. However instead of welding 2 mesh parts acting as hitboxes to the player’s hand then connect a tounch function, I was wondering if I could assign the player’s left and right hands to one variable then connect that variable to a touch function.
This was my attempt at that which is inside an onserverevent function:

 local LeftHand = Character:WaitForChild("LeftHand")
local RightHand = Character:WaitForChild("RightHand")
local Limbs = {LeftHand,RightHand}

I got an error doing this that says “attempt to index nil with ‘Connect’” so I figured I prolly did it wrongly, what’s the correct way of assigning multiple parts to a single variable? I understand that a table has to be used which I did so what went wrong?

You’ll have to iterate through your table.

local Limbs = {LeftHand,RightHand}
for _, Hand in pairs (Limbs) do
	  -- do