Most likely a virus, check all of your plugins and scripts, I also recommend a plugin, but I haven’t heard of a plugin importing a script in every line of code. Seems odd…
What plugin did you use exactly?
You have to be careful about which ones you use because they will insert viruses into your game IF you use the knockoff one.
I’m not familiar with scripting, but i am speaking off past experiences with bad plugins.
I had no problem using these plugins before though. The last synced thing only started happening yesterday. I’ve had time tracker for a few months already
Certain plugins may take time to import viruses (at least, I think), they can also get edited as far as I know. Meaning, the owner could add a virus later on.
As I said, the plugin that I sent checks for scripts and plugins. Not sure what you mean by catalog items? Models? If that’s the case, I suggest checking every script in them.
Oh, and as @Bl0oMz said, don’t download any plugins carelessly, I suggest searching up the plugin everywhere you can before downloading. Don’t also use free models that don’t have the Roblox verified check (or whatever it’s called), only use them to learn or to develop something that you currently can’t.