Is this against TOS?

I was wondering if it’s against TOS to release a game I majority made.

I was kicked from a development team after the game was released, I put 90% of the ad funds into it.

I also scripted the full portion of the game basically, if they’re using my assets without my approval then I should be able to use theirs? Or atleast get the game taken down.

Is this against tos in any way?


It’s always unfortunate when you have a falling out with your teammates, especially when you made things for them. However, imo since you made these things for the team (and it’s game), really they have the right to use the items you made.

It’s not against the TOS to reproduce the game, but they could claim that they own it the assets and I’d be a whole thing, at least from prior experience.

A word of advice though, don’t make any decisions while you’re upset. Take a few days to breathe and think about what the best thing to do is.

Lastly, you can always create an even better game and idea that’ll give you the spotlight, not them.


If you have to ask, it’s probably not worth the risk.

If the game has already been released, they may have a substantial defence of their game being the “original copy”. Any disputes you have shouldn’t be met with you retaliating by releasing your own copy of the game, as that won’t solve the issue here. Your best bet is to send a ticket to Roblox Support and see what they can do for you.


Not very upset, just genuinely disappointed.

I’m already onto different things, but i’m definitely taking action here.

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These kind of answers are a bit frustrating.
I get the “better safe than sorry” approach, but it doesn’t really address the question and highlights all of the edge cases of the Roblox platform that go unanswered.

If you do something against TOS and don’t ask one would probably criticize them for not considering if it is or isn’t. We should be encouraging the act of asking, but not rash action.


unless there was some legal licensing agreement, i dont see why you cannot release YOUR assets.


here is a hypothetical scenario, a builder builds a cafe under the agreement that they will receive 50k robux after the building has been completed, the builder sends the customer the rblx file and instantly gets blocked, is the builder not allowed to sell/ release his cafe to make sure the work he put in wasnt being unpaid? i seriously do not understand that if op was releasing there assets and there assets only, that it would be against the tos


Yeah, it’s fine.

Karma comes to people who do weird stuff for no reason but their own gain.

As we all have at one point, i’ll get through it, again lol.


It would be impossible for Roblox to identify the real culprit as both would be just as wrong. You need to handle this with Roblox’s support instead of trying to handle this with a revenge. You do not own all the assets of the game, and obviously don’t have their permission to use them. It is much harder to identify whether you are the author of a script than of a model as scripts don’t get uploaded individually.

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Yes, the builder would be permitted to sell and/or release the café as the build wasn’t purchased, it was stolen.


Any assets which would of been used in the game or made in any game by the original owner have to have permission from the game owner. This is what I can recall from reading TOS myself, if you have any tangible evidence even if they try and disguise the work their games and models can be taken down.

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Hey the same thing happened to me in a previous project i was working on, my recommendation is next time you make them sign a simple contract or some form of agreement because what they did is a serious breech of law. Dont worry im sure u can make a better game without them


thats what im saying… unless we are on a different page?

I ran into this same issue once. It depends on if you had a contract and if you have any texts or emails as proof of your claims. If they breached the contract you have every right to make a DMCA and sue them. A verbal contract via texts that can be proven is counted as a contract between people.

Though without a lawyer good luck getting Roblox to listen, from experience they ignored my claims. If you have any personal information about them you may sue them for unpaid funds agreed on.

I’m not a lawyer

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Doesn’t look like the game is going anywhere without the money I put into it anyways but.

If it was a higher quality game I would consider getting the BBB involved, and trying to get it taken down but for now I think i’m in a good place and seeing the real morale of the people around me was eye-opening.

I must’ve gotten mixed up with your wording, it’s pretty confusing. Apologies if I misunderstood.

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