Is this allowed, and could my game or players get banned for this?

Not sure if this is the right topic, but basically in my game I have a mechanic where if you’re AFK for a while then your body gets taken over by an AI. The AI randomly repeats the player’s previous messages under their name, by firing a RemoteEvent to the client, running this code on the client:

local textchannel = game:GetService("TextChatService"):WaitForChild("TextChannels"):WaitForChild("RBXGeneral")

You see, if a player has only said one message before being take over, they will continuously repeat the same message, and since the messages are being sent from the client, I’m concerned that players might be warned or possibly banned for spamming. Is this possible?

PS - I’m using this method to send messages under a player’s name, because I don’t wanna use LegacyChatService

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Hey @JohnyGamingAltAcc,

I looked into your question, and there’s definitely some risk with this mechanic when it comes to Roblox’s TOS. Since the AI is sending messages under the player’s name, it could be interpreted as chat manipulation or spam. Roblox’s moderation system might detect the repeated messages as spam, even if the player didn’t directly initiate them.

It’s generally safer to keep any AI-controlled chat behavior on the server side and make sure it’s not posing as the player. If you want the AI to communicate while a player is AFK, it might be better to use system messages or some other method that makes it clear that it’s automated and not coming directly from the player.

Hope this helps, and feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

In my opinion; you should clarify within the message or use TextChatService:DisplayBubble()


Sorry I’m late, sorta forgot about this post. Anyways, this helped me alot, thanks!

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