Is this allowed on ROBLOX?

Are SpongeBob SquarePants’ blank TCs allowed on ROBLOX? If they are, then I have been making blanks when I was away from Devforum and ROBLOX.

So, tell me what are your opinions on the blanks, but I would like some feedback if this is gonna get deleted or not.


They probably aren’t as SpongeBob probably has Copyright

They look cool tho

Well, thanks dude.
I am gonna try it on my alt for uploading blanks. I have a second Google account for trying to upload blank title cards.
Also I have made some more.

I’m actually going to want to use them as loading screens for a 2026 game.


If they are all related/taken from SponeBob then no because it would be copywrited.

Well, dude. I made the blanks if you can listen.
I made the 6 blanks I just showed you for a reason
Also, what do I do to avoid copyright? Do I redo and change a bit of them?

As long as they don’t look exactly the same then it should be fine.

Disclaimer: I am not at all a legal expert and if you wish to receive completely accurate information I recommend contacting a legal expert!


Okay. I am gonna have to remake some of them into funny ones, but Bikini Bottom would be Coral Pool, while the blanks would be 50% different and some be normal.

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There is nothing wrong with uploading a texture


Okay, then I just should try it out on a alt account very soon, but if I cannot make a alt, I have to use my main.

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I’m gonna go and upload a blank when I make a alt on another Google profile.

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Sorry for double reply! I found out my laptop screen flickered when I did make a ROBLOX alt.

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