so im building a wall and i wanted to add smth cool to spice things up but i realized it had a symbol thats kinda related to the nazis but it auctually means good luck and not the other 1 so can i use it?
so im building a wall and i wanted to add smth cool to spice things up but i realized it had a symbol thats kinda related to the nazis but it auctually means good luck and not the other 1 so can i use it?
That’s literally a swastika so it would more than likely be moderated.
I don’t think roblox moderation knows the difference, I wouldn’t recommend adding it to your game
I wouldn’t do it. Roblox moderators/bots/admins might not understand the difference of the symbol. I would just make up your own symbol. You’re most likely going to get your account banned for uploading that image. (3-7 days) or complete termination.
ok guys ill find another imagine lel
yes, but it is the buddhist/indian one
Well, technically there’s already pentacles on the UGC catalog. They look strikingly similar to pentagrams and Roblox hasn’t moderated them yet, not that I know of.
But, the symbol isn’t the thing I’d be worried of. In the image it clearly shows a shirtless guy, so you’d probably risk moderation either way.
Yes, but mods won’t know that.
Gonna tell you what I think.
In all honesty I can see why you asked if you could use it. But in all honesty If I was a Moderator I would just easily moderate it. This is cause like you said it looks like a Nazi symbol-but not to mention there outfits could also make them think that It could be related to the Nazi and take it down.
Now I do that they are part of history and is significant but in all honesty it would not be at all a good idea to add it as they would most likely won’t accept it, as I bet most of the Moderators learned about the Nazi’s themselves in school.
I do know you shouldn’t-as I uploaded a Nazi symbol to a school associate site asking a resource teacher for info they could give me regarding it-later getting in trouble by one of my teachers stating it was a not appropriate symbol.
I would suggest trying to make your image kind of like that you could re-create it. Or find another one online that doesn’t optionally get you warned.
No. They didn’t allow shirts that had a red arm-band. I highly doubt this would be allowed.
This has nothing to do with the Nazis, but yeah considering the track record of Roblox moderators they probably wouldn’t understand the difference
If you literally have to ask about whether or not to put a swastika in a children’s game I think the blunt answer is simple, you shouldn’t be making games for children. That symbol is not only racially offensive but on an imprinted generational level, I believe some of our young Jewish players have not too distant in time ancestors who were systematically annihilated by everything that symbol represents. You try to justify it as a "Buddist / Indian " symbol of peace, (which it was and now, fortunately, is no longer commonly used in Buddism) is gross misconduct of people’s presumptuous thought. This entire post is as insensitive as blowing out someone’s candle in the dark. You just don’t do it, Thank you.
If you have the the flag like that, (with revengers clearly at the bottom) then yes it will it will never go though moderation:
Although if your clearly say it is a peaceful Buddist thing then MAYBE it will go thought moderation.
if I were you I wouldn’t add it because “its too similar to the nazi symbol” unles that roblox knows the diference Roblox Could Ban you or literally delete you account even if you have a discleamer Because in the past i made a “Ketchup T-shirt” and roblox moderated it Even if I told them About the ketchup so I dont Recomend add it
even if it is another symbol, it just looks like a bypass so it would be removed, not worth it.
I do not believe this is allowed, considering the fact whatever excuse maybe, and consider it as a Buddhist religious symbol, it really looks more like a swatstika, and this has a higher chance not only your content to get moderated, but your account itself.
i suggest use a different good luck symbol rather than the swastika symbol.
Roblox moderation is infamous for the false positives. Even if this was moderated and you filed an appeal, 9 times out of 10 no action would take place and the moderation team would ground their decision respectfully so as the symbol resembles identical of a swastika.
Use much more well-known symbols such as clovers.
This is the funniest thing I ever saw, but no. It will likely be going to be moderated because the symbol is Swastika. Roblox wouldn’t allow that.