Is this amount of gore allowed on roblox?

Hello, i’ve been scripting a game for around 5 days now and i need feedback if this game would get taken down or not.


First off, I would like to say, that’s a nice project of yours. Second off, I believe it should be fine. To be fair, Roblox can be a bit iffy about it’s enforcement on gore, and while it may be possible the blood splatter could be a bit too much, I doubt it would get Roblox shutting your game down.

I worked so hard on that blood splatter lmao, thanks for the response.

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It is a very nice project, would like to see more of it. Personally, I think the blood drop is a bit too much, but I don’t think you will get into any problems with it.

well, i want to push to the max limits of gore since i love super “brutal” games on roblox, and that’s what im going for

I think the best way to know what the limits are of gore, is to send Roblox an email.

Roblox will ban u if u use more than 10 red parts.

Is there any proof of that? I’ve never seen anything about that?

Is there any proof of that? i would like to see a source.

I have seen someone post that. I dont remember the number of parts.

It should be fine, I think most games get banned over “limb gore”
Where if you get an arm or a leg taken off, there would be a bone.
But I don’t think that would get you banned.
But if it goes wayy too far, if you get BOTH legs cut of, like mortem there would be a pile of organs at the bottom of your torso.
Now thats what I think would get you banned.

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I agree with this, i just have some cartoony bones show when you get a limb cut off.


Yeah, I think you will be just fine, just dont go over the limits of roblox gore, if you dont know that then just kinda eyball it and see if roblox would allow it or if it goes to far.

Thats coming from a ten year old beginner scripter who dosen’t know what he’s doing at all.

This isn’t the place to give help but…
Go watch alvinblox, he cool

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Funni man with epic game, gore is enough :]

I watch him sometimes, I normally watch tutorials on how to make specific types of games, that just spoonfeed me the code and don’t tell me what it does.

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don’t do that, never do that, unless you read trough the code and watch along as it’s being made you won’t learn anything, the best way to learn is to try yourself i would say.

The blood is not a lot,I say it fine.
9/10 :wink:

i try and use free model scripts so that i can learn, but i dont know the learning technique.
do you have any suggestions?

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