Is this an intended outage?

Instead of the usual error text when an outage occurs.

I got the dreaded image that I haven’t seen in 2 years…

Is this intentional? and if so… how long will it last?


Keep getting the same error every time I refresh too! I don’t really want to believe it’s “intended”


Unlikely that it’s intended. Usually when an outage is expected for big platform updates or whatnot, they’ll give a heads up or notice and choose a low-traffic time to do it. =p

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But as listed, this image only appears during intended or intentionally extended outages.

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it’s down

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The roblox website is dying a slow and painful death

Its occassionally going into the light and coming back but never fully

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Roblox status says theres not problems

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nvm it died again

i had some unsaved stuff in studio on a team test game so i hope it comes back up soon before i get disconnected

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Outage just started like 5 minutes ago, that status has to be manually updated, however if it was a intended outage, I don’t see why they wouldn’t update it

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They just updated it.

Wait I may be right

Did they take down the entire website to remove just this page

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i dont think this is neccesary to delete that page

I’ve gotten that message in the past as well. It’s the default message put up when is down.