Is this as a projectile hitbox acceptable

Is this acceptable to do?

The server side parts are red and the client sided parts are blue. It works fine but im worried about performance issues later one. The client sided part is unanchored and affected by physics the server side a lerp, meaning after the part reaches the ground the hitbox is not going to detect it anymore. I use spatial queries and the red parts are for a visualization. I can also change it to raycasts or even move it the client side. What do you think is better to do?

Raycasting would likely be more performant. Iā€™m not sure how your game works, but I would see on the client if it hits and then verify on the server.

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Already changed it to raycasts, and i had that idea too i usually go with client sided hitbox checks then a sanity check on the server. Thanks for your input.