Is this Bezier Curves?

Hello developers, I was wondering how to achieve and effect similar to this:

Like the title, I believe bezier curves are involved. I tried looking them up on the dev hub ( but the tutorial was confusing to me. Any help would be appreciated!


It can be any curve.

A Bezier Curve is just a form of a cubic parametric curve. Keep in mind, you don’t “need” to even explicitly define a curve to achieve that same effect. You could simply fire a projectile in a ring, then have the projectiles simply have a force which directs them towards a center. This will give you the converging curvey effect.

I would recommend you just use a physics based approach rather than trying to explicitly define your curves, as this is a much simpler method that will yield the same/better results.

Tip: You can use RocketPropulsion | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub to achieve a force which “curves” towards a target. However, you need to initially fire your rockets/missiles/bombs in a spread out fashion before having them close in.


It probably fires the projectiles with some randomized spread, and then they adjust their direction while in flight to seek the target (using lerps). Pre-calculated curves would not converge on moving targets.

A basic parabola graph would work for this. Bezier curves are typically for more complex things and would be overkill imo for something like this.

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A spring would work extremely well for this. Setting the target and the velocity. Set the velocity to the outward angle, and it will converge on the target.

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